Our Garden Saga

the mess in frontSo, the latest story with us is the chaos that was our sewer. After months (if not years) of trying to ignore some rather unpleasant odours, we finally got round to hiring a contractor to sort it all out.

porta loo

This meant - no toilet for 3 days (which turned into 4...) and my poor garden being torn up. Enough to make a grown woman cry!!

Ragnar has had to lend a hand as well as the contractor underestimated the size of the job and is charging us a pittance.our back garden being repaired by Ragnar


Click here to see my front garden evolve - hopefully to a better state than before. I don't think I have any before photos though for comparison but we are quite please with our efforts. Thanks to my mum for helping out! (5th August 2001)